Tuesday, May 9


Today Celebrates: Lost Sock Memorial Day and National Teacher’s Day!

Lunch for today includes: Rotini with Meat Sauce and Garlic Toast, Chicken Patty Sandwich, Steamed Green Beans, Steamed Corn, Applesauce Cup, and Milk.

Everyone has times when they struggle with their mental health. It is normal to have times when you might feel sad, nervous, worried, or when you might have a hard time managing your emotions and stress. If you are having a hard time, you are not alone! In fact, one in five people experience a mental health problem before age 18. Reach out an adult you trust if you need help.

Attention GAMING GROUP members: There is still one more week left of the After School Academy, so please plan on meeting on Monday, May 15th.

Spinebreakers, our upcoming page checkpoint is 103. Will “The Silent Patient” speak up by then? Find out Monday at 3:00! Visit Mrs. Terlizzi, Mr. Thompson, or Mr. vonRigler with any questions!

Seniors! Your baby/toddler photos are needed! You have two weeks to get them in or you WILL NOT appear in the pre-graduation video! Submit ONE baby photo to [email protected] between now and May 19th. Make sure you include your first AND last name in the subject line. You will receive a reply email confirming your submission. If you have a hard copy of a photo, you can bring it in to Mr. Thompson to be scanned and returned, just make sure your full name is written on the back of the photo.

FEA wants to shout out all of the teachers in this building for Teacher Appreciation Week. The answers to yesterday’s mystery teachers are:

Mrs. Saullo was in the Macy’s Day parade.

Mr. Kurtz played the role of Coach Bolton in the live production of High School Musical.

Don’t fear Mrs. Seyler challenging you to a taco eating contest as she did not win the last one she was in.

Mrs. Fardleman learned to ski in Alaska when she was really young.

For today’s challenge:

Which SDHS teacher is from Punxatawney, PA – the place where Groundhog Day takes place?

What SDHS teacher fell off a high dive right onto concrete and fractured his or her skull at the age of 7? OUCH

Which teacher was valedictorian of the SDHS class of 1999?

Which teacher studied abroad in Ecuador and stayed with a tribe in the Amazon?

And finally, Which SDHS teacher has visited over 15 different countries?

Be sure to take the survey in Schoology to test your knowledge- answers will be revealed tomorrow.

For Sports:

Interested in becoming a Decatur cheerleader? Sign up for the Cheer Clinic on June 10th beginning at 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Learn and work on stunting, tumbling, jumps, cheer, and dance! The clinic is open for any current and future Seahawk cheerleader aged 5 to 18. Registration is $30 for current Decatur students, and $45 for non-students. If you have any questions, see Coach Johnson in room C129.

Today’s Sports:

At 10:00 AM Unified Bocce competes in Districts – Departure 8:15

Remember to base your decisions on the Decatur Way principles. Pride, Achievement, Respect, and Responsibility. Have a Terrific Tuesday Decatur!