Today Celebrates: National Nothing Day and Appreciate a Dragon Day!
Lunch for today includes: Breaded Chicken Drumstick with Roll, Spaghetti with Meat Sauce and Garlic Toast, Steamed Broccoli, Steamed Mixed Vegetables, Applesauce Cup, Fresh Fruit, and Milk.
Calling all Writers! Guess what?! The Optimist Essay Writing Contest has been extended until this Friday, February 2nd! Write an essay, 700 to 800 words, telling how optimism connects us, and you could win a monetary award! First place winner takes home five hundred dollars! See any English teacher for an application and more information.
Juniors and seniors! If you are interested in a career in Automotive technology, the head trainer from the Pohanka Automotive Training Center will be at Decatur at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, January 19th in the cafeteria. They will meet with students to discuss their training program, what it is like to work as an automotive technician, and answer any questions you may have. In order to attend you must register by TOMORROW, January 17th. The registration link can be found on Schoology under the class of 2024 or 2025 course. If you have have any questions, please see Mr. Horsman.
The Decatur Film Society will meet TODAY in the DNN Studio. Part of the After School Academy, Film Society meets to view and discuss various feature films, shorts, and documentaries. Today, we will focus on a number of short films with discussion taking place the week after. Want to know more? Come check out film society on Tuesday, and be sure to sign up for the After School Academy. See Mr. Thompson with questions.
Seniors! Many scholarships are now listed on Schoolinks and some of the deadlines are quickly approaching! Most of them you will print and turn in to Mr. Hall in guidance while some are submitted electronically, which will be indicated. Scholarships are free money towards college so do not hesitate to fill out scholarships and do as many as you can do. Don’t delay, fill out scholarships today!
Dungeons and Dragons has started up again and meets each Thursday in the library! If you are new to the game and have any questions stop by the library and speak with Mr. vonRigler. Sign-ups for this club, and any other after school club, are located around the school.
New year, new grade. Do you need or want a better grade on a paper that is due by the end of the semester? Sign up for a Seahawk Writing Center session before finals. Ask your teacher if they will give extra credit for attending. Each session is only 30 minutes. You owe it to yourself. Soar in ’24 at the Seahawk Writing Center!
Decatur, it’s time to book it: the Spinebreakers Book Club will meet TOMORROW, the 17th, after school in the library. We will be discussing up to part three of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. If you have any questions, or are remotely curious, see Mr. vonRigler with questions.
Today’s Sports:
At 1:45 PM Unified Strength and Conditioning competed at Pure Fitness
At 3:00 PM Girls and Boys Swim takes on Easton at the Pocomoke YMCA – dismissal at 12:45
At 4:30 PM Girls JV Basketball plays at Bennett – departure at 3:00
At 4:30 PM Boys JV Basketball takes on Bennett at home
At 6:00 PM Girls Varsity Basketball plays at Bennett – departure at 3:00
At 6:00 PM Boys Varsity Basketball battles Bennett at home
Remember to base your decisions on the Decatur Way Principles. Pride, Achievement, Respect, and Responsibility. Have a Terrific Tuesday Decatur!