Today Celebrates: National Proofreading Day and International Women’s Day!
Lunch for today includes: Big Daddy’s Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Fish Sandwich, Spiral Fries, California Vegetable Blend, Mandarin Oranges, Fresh Fruit, and Milk.
Yesterday, we mistakenly announced that the spring session of the After School Academy begins next month, we apologize for that error. For those students interested in participating in the various programs offered, the Spring Session of the After School academy begins on MARCH 25th. Stay tuned for a list of programs offered and for the sign-up QR codes.
The Key Club is hosting their second Blood Drive TODAY, down the front hallway Broadway. Please see Mrs. Saullo or Ms. Kalchthaler if you are interested in donating. We still have time slots available and walk-ins are welcome. If you are 16 and would like to donate, you will need parent permission.
Class of 2024! Your time to shine is quickly approaching. You each have been added to a new course on Schoology entitled, DNN Senior News. Make sure you check that periodically for important information regarding baby photos for the graduation video, senior superlatives, and of course, senior quotes.
Attention Seniors: Please continue to check Schoolinks for scholarships. Many deadlines are approaching quickly. If you are not sure where to find them, please stop by guidance with your iPad handy.
Seniors who plan to attend Wor-Wic next year in the fall, please sign up so that you can register here at Decatur. Wor-Wic will be here on April 5th to register students. You must sign up on the form in Schoology and apply to Wor-Wic prior to April 2nd.
Attention ALL 9th through 11th grade students: The Schoology course to enter your next year’s course selections will end on March 12th. Please do not wait, go and enter your requests for next year’s courses now! You can only submit once so please take your time and make selections carefully!
Attention Future Educators. For anyone attending the Teach Maryland Conference on Tuesday, the time for departure has changed. We will leave at 5:15 am – bright-eyed and bushy-tailed – on Tuesday, the 12th. Again, the time of departure for future educators attending the Teach Maryland Conference has changed to 5:15 a.m. Sorry for the confusion. See Mrs. Stevenson if you have any questions or concerns.
Stephen Decatur Cheer is back again with their annual fundraiser “Egg My Yard”. If you would like to surprise your kids, neighbors, and/or friends with some easter fun, then let the Cheerleaders deliver candy filled eggs! You can choose from four different egg packages and to have your eggs delivered to your porch or scattered in the yard. Scan the QR code on the flyers or outside of Miss. Johnson classroom C129 to fill out the google doc form. Payment is by cash or check only. Checks should be made payable to the Stephen Decatur High School. If paying with cash, please give it to Miss. Johnson in an envelope with your name. Thank you so much for the egg-cellent support!
Did you know that hundreds of thousands of children will be stricken with life threatening illnesses this year? You have the power to help these children and their families! SDHS is sponsoring a school-wide beach supply drive benefiting Believe in Tomorrow, an organization that treats these children to a stress-free vacation at the beach. Bring in beach shovels, playing cards, sunscreen, coloring books, beach toys and more. Collection boxes are in the main office, the CRT Office, and Mrs. Thompson’s room A168. Let’s show them “there’s no place like the beach!”
Looking for a summer job? Do you like having your own money? Attend the job fair on Thursday, April 4th from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm in the gym. Every class will be attending the job fair. Dress to impress, bring a resume but not required. YES! YOU! Go to the job fair!!!
Today’s Sports:
At 6:00 PM Boys Varsity Basketball battles Linganore in the State Quarterfinals at home – tickets must be purchased online prior to the game.
Remember to base your decisions on the Decatur Way Principles. Have a Fantastic Friday Decatur, and remember, Daylight Savings begins this Sunday, so don’t forget to set those clocks forward by an hour on Saturday night. Yes, we sadly lose an hour of sleep this weekend.