Today Celebrates: Save the Elephant Day, National Orchid Day, and Stress Awareness Day!
Lunch for today includes: Popcorn Chicken with Roll, Rotini with Meat Sauce with Garlic Toast, Steamed Broccoli, Steamed Corn, Fresh Fruit, Applesauce Cup, and Milk.
Class of 2024! The senior quote submission form is NOW open and will remain open until Friday, April 26th. Only those seniors with senior portraits in the yearbook will get a senior quote and we need at least 175 quote submissions, or no senior quotes will be included in the yearbook. Lastly, inappropriate quotes will be replaced with a generic quote, so be smart and submit on time!
Seniors! We are now accepting baby photos for the senior graduation video. Photos can be emailed to [email protected] or a hard copy can be dropped off to the DNN studio. If emailing your photo, please include your first and last name in the subject line. If dropping off a hard copy, please write your first and last name on the back of the photo. Photos are due by May 17th! See Mr. Thompson with any questions.
Also seniors, if you would like to purchase a copy of the senior panoramic that was taken on Tuesday, see Mr. Thompson for an order form. Copies of the photo are only 17 dollars, but the order forms are due to Mr. Thompson TOMORROW.
Calling all writers! The National English Honor Society is holding the 11th Annual Peggy Hevel Memorial Writing Contest. NEHS is taking submissions in two categories, Poetry and Short Story, and monetary prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category, with first place receiving 100 dollars. Submissions are due to Mrs. Terlizzi by 3:00 pm on April 19th. See any English teacher for a submission form.
We now have a special message from Principal Sites regarding the new safety protocol we adopted this year. (Roll I Love You Guys 1 2:00:20) Tomorrow, we will learn about the remaining protocol. If you have questions about any of these, please see an administrator.
Decatur’s chapter of the National English Honor Society is hosting a membership drive over the next two weeks until April 19th. We are looking for dedicated students who have interest in serving their community, a combined GPA of 3.5 or higher in all English classes, and experience in two English electives. If you’re interested, see any English teacher for an application. For more information on the Seahawk Lyceum, visit the school’s website under extracurricular activities or see Mrs. Terlizzi or Mr. Thompson.
Attention Volunteers: The deadline for the Presidential Service Award is quickly approaching. All forms are due to Mrs. Thompson in A168 by 3:00 pm on Monday, April 22. Forms will not be accepted after this date. Please see Mrs. Thompson with any questions or for additional service forms.
Decatur Nation! This is the LAST week to bring in those items for the beach supply drive benefiting Believe in Tomorrow. Bring in beach shovels, playing cards, sunscreen, coloring books, beach toys and more. Collection boxes are in the main office, the CRT Office, and Mrs. Thompson’s room A168. Let’s show them “there’s no place like the beach!”
For Sports:
The Maryland High School Rodeo Team competed in Chatham, VA for the Battle on the Border Rodeo over the weekend. In pole bending, freshman Brooke Warren scored 23.512 seconds earning her 5th place. In barrel racing, Brooke took 7th and in goat tying she took 10th place. Freshman Jayden Garton scored a 28.016 in pole bending earning her an 8th place finish while in Barrels Jayden took 12th place. Way to go!
Today’s Sports:
At 4:00 PM Girls and Boys Tennis plays at Parkside – departure at 3:00
At 4:00 PM Unified Bocce competes at Cambridge South Dorchester – dismissal at 1:45
At 4:00 PM Girls JV Lacrosse takes on Queen Anne’s at home
At 4:00 PM Varsity Softball plays at Pocomoke – dismissal at 2:00
At 4:00 PM Varsity Baseball plays at Pocomoke – dismissal at 2:00
At 5:30 PM Girls Varsity Lacrosse battles Queen Anne’s at home
Remember to base your decisions on the Decatur Way Principles. Pride, Achievement, Respect, and Responsibility. Have a Terrific Tuesday Decatur!