Today Celebrates: East Meets West Day, World Penguin Day, and National DNA Day!
Lunch for today includes: MaxStix with Marinara Sauce, Meatball Sub, California Vegetable Blend , Steamed Carrots, Fresh Fruit, Applesauce Cup, and Milk.
Today, we celebrate Environmental Awareness Day at Decatur. As you go through your day today, have a conversation with a friend, teacher, teammate, or family member about some easy ways that you can make a positive impact on our local environment. One positive impact our Surfrider Club has had this year was meeting with House and Senate representatives to help introduce the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act. Tomorrow is the Decatur Cleanup Day. Ask your teachers to sign up for 1st or 2nd period cleanup times!
Attention members of Educators Rising: This is just a reminder that our trip to Buckingham will take place TOMORROW, April 26th. Please meet in Mrs. Stevenson’s classroom at the bell on Friday, and we will leave when the bus arrives. Any questions, please see Mrs. Stevenson or Mrs. Cosgrove TODAY.
Attention all juniors, there will be a Prom Planning Committee meeting in Mr. Greenwood’s room, C-174, at 2:45 TODAY. We are still accepting new committee members to help. Again, Prom planning committee meeting TODAY at 2:45 in Mr. Greenwood’s room. Juniors see your Schoology inbox for a message sent last week with all the details.
Juniors and Seniors! Prom tickets will go on sale Tuesday next week. Prices and information will be released tomorrow. Stay tuned!
All Stephen Decatur students that are attending prom, regardless pf grade, must complete an “I’m Debtless” form. These forms must be signed off by the media center and the main office. Forms will be available later today in the main office and media center. This form MUST be completed before prom tickets can be sold. See Mr. Greenwood with questions.
Attention Juniors and Seniors, if you are bringing a non-Stephen Decatur High School student to Prom you MUST complete an Out of School Guest Form, submit it, and receive approval from administration. This process takes 2 days. Before you can purchase a ticket for your outside guest, your form must be approved, so please plan accordingly.
Class of 2024! The senior quote submission form is still open and will remain open until 11:59 P.M. TOMORROW. We need at least 175 quote submissions and have received 115 quotes so far, so get your friends to submit ASAP! Lastly, inappropriate quotes will be replaced with a generic quote, so be smart and submit on time!
Seniors! We are accepting baby photos for the senior graduation video. Photos can be emailed to [email protected] or a hard copy can be dropped off to the DNN studio. If emailing your photo, please include your first and last name in the subject line. If dropping off a hard copy, please write your first and last name on the back of the photo. Photos are due by May 17th! See Mr. Thompson with any questions.
For Sports:
Congratulations to the girls tennis team. Last night the girls clinched the Bayside South with a 7 to 0 win over Washington High School. Currently the girls are undefeated 11 and zero, with 3 matches to go next week. This in the first time the girls have the South in 20 years. Again congratulations to the girls tennis team and keep up the good work!
Today’s Sports:
At 4:00 PM Varsity Softball takes on Parkside at home during senior night.
At 4:00 PM Varsity Baseball battles Parkside at home
At 4:00 PM Unified Bocce takes on Crisfield at home
At 4:00 PM Girls JV Lacrosse plays at Queen Anne’s – dismissal at 1:00
Remember to base your decisions on the Decatur Way Principles. Pride, Achievement, Respect, and Responsibility. Have a PARR-ific Thursday Decatur!