Today Celebrates: Child Care Provider Day, Clean Up Your Room Day, and Military Spouses Day!
Lunch for today includes: Big Daddy’s Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Hot Dog on Bun, Oven Baked Crinkle Fries, Steamed Kale, Pineapple Tidbits, Fresh Fruit, and Milk.
Congratulations to Omar Al-Mashni, Seth Ashcraft, and Tobias Walas for winning the Junior Achievement of the Eastern Shore Stock Market Challenge! The Trio set an all-time mark of $1,266,302! Jared Rabideau, Mary Short, and Maddy Tapley finished in third and also beat the previous high score! Both teams will compete in the National Competition later in the year.
Decatur Nation! This week we honor Children’s Mental Health Matters Week with some fun challenges. Today you are challenged to End the Week with Gratitude: Say to yourself three things you are grateful for about this past week before going to sleep tonight!
Attention After School Academy Participants. This is a friendly reminder that next week is the LAST week of After School Academy this year. Also, there will be NO After School Academy next Tuesday due to election day and schools being closed to students.
The Decatur Film Society will meet next Thursday, May 16th in the DNN studio to take our yearbook photo and to discuss the last film watched. Please make every effort to attend for at least the photo. See Mr. Thompson with questions.
Seniors! We need those baby pictures! Photos can be emailed to or a hard copy can be dropped off to the DNN studio. If emailing your photo, please include your first and last name in the subject line. If dropping off a hard copy, please write your first and last name on the back of the photo. Photos are due by May 17th! No excuses and no tears. See Mr. Thompson with questions.
Attention Juniors and Seniors attending prom. Check your Schoology inbox for music request information later this morning.
Today’s Sports:
At 2:00 PM Track and Field competes in the Bayside Championships at Cambridge South Dorchester – dismissal at 11:45
At 6:00 PM Boys Varsity Lacrosse plays in the Region Semifinals at home
Remember to base your decisions on the Decatur Way Principles. Have a Fantastic Friday Decatur!