Today Celebrates: Fragrance Day and World Poetry Day!
Lunch for today includes: Big Daddy’s Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, Cheesesteak Sub, Oven Baked Crinkle Fries, Steamed Turnip Greens, Diced Peaches, Fresh Fruit, and Milk.
Decatur Nation! Let’s see those mismatched, colorful or bold socks today to get people talking and help to start conversations on raising awareness for Down Syndrome. Thank you for participating in Neurodiversity Celebration Week! As said by Maya Angelou, “If we want to include everyone, we have to help everyone develop their talents and use their gifts for the good of the community. That’s what inclusion means – everyone contributes”.
Students! The deadline is quickly approaching to finalize your course selections for next year. Please make sure that you make this a priority! Don’t forget to turn in forms to guidance if you want to start a program at Worcester Technical High School. The forms are in guidance and must be turned back in to the guidance office. There are many one year and two year programs still available. Come to guidance so we can help you or to answer any questions you may have!
Attention students who plan to take Dual Enrollment classes online or on a college campus next school year, the dual enrollment packets are now ready in guidance. Please stop by to pick up a packet, but you must sign for the packet and listen to new information. Get the packet soon, fill it out, and return so you can start the process of choosing classes.
Speaking of Dual Enrollment, the Dual Enrollment Info Night at Wor-Wic Community College will take place on Thursday, April 17th at 6:00 PM. During the information night, you will discuss the benefits of an early college education, cost savings, college success strategies, and the advantage of participating in Wor-Wic’s dual enrollment program. To reserve a seat, visit or contact the admissions department.
Decatur Theatre invites you to this year’s March Production, Having Tea With Chekhov: 5 Comic Farces by Anton Chekhov, adapted for the stage by Gwen Lehman. Performances will take place TONIGHT at 7:00 as well as Saturday, March 22nd at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm in the SDHS Auditorium. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and can be purchased at the door or online at We look forward to seeing you there!
Today’s Sports:
At 4:00 PM JV Baseball takes on North Caroline at home
At 4:00 PM JV Softball battles North Caroline at home
At 4:00 PM Boys Varsity Lacrosse plays at Kent County – dismissal at 12:00
At 4:00 PM Varsity Baseball plays at North Caroline – dismissal at 1:00
At 4:00 PM Varsity Softball plays at North Caroline – dismissal at 1:00
At 4:00 PM Girls Varsity Lacrosse battles North Dorchester at home
Remember to base your decisions on the Decatur Way principles. Have a Fantastic Friday Decatur!