Today Celebrates: National Cheesesteak Day and National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day!
Lunch for today includes: Mandarin Orange Chicken with Brown Rice, Cheese Lasagna Roll Up with Garlic Toast, Tater Tots, Steamed Mixed Vegetables, Mandarin Oranges, Fresh Fruit, and Milk.
Students the deadline is quickly approaching to finalize your course selections for next year. Please make sure if you have not done so already that you make this a priority! Don’t forget to turn in forms to guidance if you want to start a program at Worcester Technical High School. The forms are in guidance and must be turned back in to the guidance office. There are many 1 year and 2-year programs still available. Come to guidance so we can help you or to answer any questions you may have! Sign up today!
The Dual Enrollment Info Night at Wor-Wic Community College will take place on Thursday, April 17th at 6:00 PM. During the information night, you will discuss the benefits of an early college education, cost savings, college success strategies, and the advantage of participating in Wor-Wic’s dual enrollment program. To reserve a seat, visit or contact the admissions department.
Seniors it’s time to get your scholarship applications done. April 1st is a big deadline for many scholarships. Go to Schoolinks and click on the Finance money bag icon. Then choose Scholarship Matching and District Posted. April 1 scholarships need to be turned into Guidance no later than Monday March 31 to be processed for on time delivery. Stop by the Guidance office if you need help!
Are you struggling to come up with dinner plans for this evening? If so, Relay For Life has your solution! Already have dinner plans though, it’s not too late to cancel! Join Relay For Life of Worcester County for a Dine and Donate night at Oaked 110 in Snow Hill! Dine in between 6:00 and 8:00 tonight and 10 percent of sales goes to Relay and the American Cancer Society! See Mr. Thompson with any questions.
The Hawk Newspaper will meet after school TOMORROW in the DNN studio. If you are interested in joining, it’s not too late! Come see Mr. Thompson with any questions.
There will be a Fellowship of Christian athletes meeting at 7:15 this Thursday and every Thursday until spring break. We will meet in room D-151, Mr. Drahiem’s room. See Mrs. Fenzel-Mergott or Mr. Leitner if you have any questions. All are welcome, teachers included!
Today’s Sports:
At 3:30 PM Boys and Girls Tennis take on Parkside at home
At 4:00 PM JV Baseball and Softball battle Queen Anne’s at home
At 4:00 PM Varsity Baseball and Softball plays at Queen Anne’s – dismissal at 12:45
At 4:00 PM Girls Varsity Lacrosse battles North Dorchester at home
Remember to base your decisions on the Decatur Way principles. Pride, Achievement, Respect, and Responsibility. Have a Magnificent Monday Decatur!