Today Celebrates: Pecan Day and International Waffle Day!
Lunch for today includes: Chicken and Waffles, Max Sticks with Marinara Sauce, Steamed Green Beans, Steamed Corn, Applesauce, Fresh Fruit, and Milk.
Congratulations SDHS! We had 128 students submit 271 entries for Media Expo 2025. SDHS brought home 24 gold medals and 22 silver medals. SDHS swept the CAD, Coding, Interactive Media, and Podcast categories earning gold in every subcategory! Silver medals were awarded to Adelaide Dawkins, Ellie Zollinger, Gabriel Mellott, Gavin Buchheit, Jakob Thawley, Luke Leffew, Rani Liu, Rayne Gray, Riley Gannon, and Tirzah Hill.
Gold medals were awarded to Brian Herbert, Douglas Scott Wainwright III, George Eggers, Lily Philavanh, Natalie Boutin, and Nidhish Gupta. And a special shout out to the following students who brought home both Gold and Silver medals: Aberle Bunting, Brooke Berquist, Carter Steffy, Mara Minkey, Marley Noonan, and Molly Hoffman. Congratulations everyone!
Calling all writers! The National English Honor Society is holding open submissions for the 12th Annual Peggy Hevel Memorial Writing Contest. Students are invited to submit original works for both the Short Story and Poetry categories. Stay tuned for information on how to submit your works to enter to win monetary prizes!
Students the deadline is quickly approaching to finalize your course selections for next year. Please make sure if you have not done so already that you make this a priority! Don’t forget to turn in forms to guidance if you want to start a program at Worcester Technical High School. The forms are in guidance and must be turned back in to the guidance office. There are many 1 year and 2-year programs still available. Come to guidance so we can help you or to answer any questions you may have! Sign up today!
Seniors it’s time to get your scholarship applications done. April 1st is a big deadline for many scholarships. Go to Schoolinks and click on the Finance money bag icon. Then choose Scholarship Matching and District Posted. April 1 scholarships need to be turned into Guidance no later than Monday March 31 to be processed for on time delivery. Stop by the Guidance office if you need help!
The Hawk Newspaper will meet after school TODAY and this Thursday in the DNN studio. If you are interested in joining, it’s not too late! Come see Mr. Thompson with any questions.
There will be a Fellowship of Christian athletes meeting at 7:15 this Thursday and every Thursday until spring break. We will meet in room D-151, Mr. Drahiem’s room. See Mrs. Fenzel-Mergott or Mr. Leitner if you have any questions. All are welcome, teachers included!
Today’s Sports:
At 3:00 PM Girls and Boys Track and Field compete at home
At 4:00 PM Boys and Girls Tennis take on North Caroline at home
At 4:00 PM JV Baseball and Softball battles Queen Anne’s at home
At 4:00 PM Varsity Softball and Baseball play at Queen Anne’s – dismissal at 12:45
Remember to base your decisions on the Decatur Way principles. Pride, Achievement, Respect, and Responsibility. Have a Terrific Tuesday Decatur!