1. Paying attention to tasks
Technology affects the brain in many ways, but one of the main ways is maintaining your focus for long periods of time. When hearing all the ring tones, buzzing, and notifications can affect attention because due to the noises it will make your brain always be alerted to focus on those noises. Also, why kids in school in today’s age have trouble doing work for long period of work because of having phones.
2. Sleep deprivation
Phones, iPad, computers, all technology as we have seen can make you lose track of time during the day. When people are taking it easy at night from doing said activities during the day, they tend to go on their phone until they go to bed for multiple hours. This amount of time on your phones can create eyestrain, not enough sleep, and affects your whole body.
3. Increased risk of obesity
Although technology is bad for your eyes and brain, it is very bad for the physical appearance of your body. Being on your phone all the time, you will find yourself lacking to get exercise or going outside in general. It is found that phones can make you binge eat also! Those two things combined can make you have weight gain and increase your level of depression. Your brain needs time to refresh itself from the amount of activity that goes on in a human’s daily life.
4. Social Interactions
Most of our problems today can evolve around technology. The way kids grow up now in 2024 is a lot different than 1980! If they want to talk to someone they can simply call, text, or Face Time them from anywhere, which is crazy to think about. Nowadays, kids don’t even want to go outside with their friends to hangout or go away from playing video games all day long. Altogether, the new form of technology is shaping how babies, kids, and teenagers will live in the future.
5. Anxiety in everything
When I look around, I notice I’m not the only person struggling with feelings of anxiety. My generation was the first generation to really get kicked in the face with technology when we were early teenagers.
Staying in all day looking at your phone and not socializing results in not being around many people, create anxiety when having to talk face-to-face. Even in many schools, they have kids doing all their schoolwork on either an iPad or computers which I feel will negatively affect future kids.